Local Authors Events Schedule
Wednesday May 12th, Williamson Free Public Library, 9:30AM-8:30 PM
Author Alex Reid 9:30-10:30 Reid's Short Reads (a collection of short stories; Author's days growing up...favorite stories he loves to tell...) This Author is a great storyteller and is sure to entertain the youngsters and young at heart. A great start to the day and Alex has agreed to spend extra time in the library to meet you.
Author Susan Peterson Gateley 10:30-11:00. Books by Susan Peterson Gateley on Lake Ontario include: Mirages Monsters Myths and Mysteries (90 pg. paperback); Passages on Inland Waters (144 pg. paperback: Maritime history, contemporary yachting, 1000 Islands-Erie Canal); The Edgewalkers' Guide To Lake Ontario Beach Combing (24 public beaches,thousands of acres public shoreline and parks. Maps, Photos). Visit her website at and to to meet Twinkle Toes and the gang.
visit Ask her about her latest hair brained mad scheme to promote water quality- bringing a community methane digester to Butler with the help of other citizens for cleaner water!
Author Dick TenEyck 11:00-12:00. Self-Published and Published Poetry and Poetry Books Author as well as a Literary Journal Author. Retired English Teacher, Williamson Central. Dick is presenting writing skills and tips/the writing process for a variety of writer paths,general editing and submission guidelines/writing paths, and publishing information. A wealth of knowledge and information, Dick's Presentation will benefit any writer beginner to professional.
Author Michael Pealo 12:00-1PM August Storms: Journey Of An Abused Woman Michael became aware of the tragedy women trapped in abusive relationships, especially attempting to free themselves from an abusive relationship face while serving in his nursing career. Heart-mind struggle to understand, Michael researched this serious issue and wrote his book based upon a true life experience. He is passionate about telling this story, increasing public awareness, educating women and travels nationally to share the truth he discovered.
Author Jane Marla VerDow 1:00-1:45 Dear Daisy
Independent Published:Author/Rising Sparrow Press. Book design: 1960's era (486 pg spiritual-nonfiction/hardcover).The author, a gifted storyteller invites the reader into her childhood shared under cherry and apple trees with her friend and adopted Migrant Grandmother,Daisy. As the story begins (1999), caught in a personal struggle of survival under conditions felt oppressive, Janie writes letters to Daisy...The 911 Holy War strikes between extremists of Nations...before the dust settles, 10-28-01 brings world chaos personal. The author speaks on timely issues of World violence; violence against children, bullying, child-teen-adult suicide; violence within churches and between religious-spiritual faiths.
Author JoAnn Meaker 1:45-2:30 Images of America Ontario. by Arcadia Publishing (128 pg.softcover). History of Town of Ontario; 200 compelling photographs, traces the historical influences that helped shape this town from apples to atoms—from the distant glacial past, the land developers Phelps and Gorham, the Iroquois Nation, and the early settlers to the major industries of iron ore mining and nuclear power. It focuses on the people, places, businesses, industries, and agriculture that earned the town its motto: the Community of Good Neighbors. Author Bio: JoAnn Meaker is the archivist and past president of the Ontario Historical and Landmark Preservation Society, cochairman of the Ontario Bicentennial Committee, and five-year organizer of the annual Civil War Weekend. A local resident and educator, she is the author of the series of bicentennial articles that appear in the Wayne County Mail. For Ontario, she has selected superb photographs from the town historian’s collection and the Ontario Historical and Landmark Preservation Society’s archive, preserved at Heritage Square Museum.
Author Paul Roxin 2:30-3:30 One Foot on the Ground: A Pilot's Memoirs of Aviators & Aviation. Presentation Topics: Women in Aviation; Detroit Michigan Aviation/Ford Motor, The Greatest Generation, B24 Bomber production and aviation; Mohawk Airlines. Paul is an endless source of real life aviation stories from wartime to airlines and also has agreed to spend many hours in the library on this day for the chance to meet and talk with him. His expansive knowledge and experiences; so many tales to tell and you can feel his pleasure sharing one...and then the next. Young and older alike will love this rare treat.
Author Brooks Tenny 3:30-4:00 Killing Mauritius (novel) Islamic terrorism set in Indian Ocean. New Silk Road (novel) Centered in Central Asia, deals with Afghanistan drug traffic reach to the world. The Ten Thousand Things is set along China's ancient Silk Road and deals with China's activities in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles. Always an entertaining author-speaker, Brooks draws his writing and topics from his engineer training-background (Xerox, GE, and Chance Vought Aviation), topic and setting research, and imagination to create his action-adventure and timely fiction.
Author Ron Matteson 4:00-4:45 Civil War Campaigns Of The 10th New York Calvary and also Scanning for the SOHO, a tutorial about the uses of scanners in the small office and home office. Ron's Presentation Topic will be based upon his Civil War book and extensive researched history on the Civil War and details specific to the 10th NY Calvary. To extend the time for readers to meet and talk with Ron, he has agreed to arrive around 2PM that afternoon at the Williamson Library and is willing to extend his time after his formal presentation to talk and book sign at the library. It is also exciting to know that Ron has taken the Civil War and presented his book to modern technology with availability on Kindle.
Author-Actor Debra Smith Ford 4:45-5:30 The Little Apple
Debra has agreed to stop into the Williamson Library during the afternoon after she makes a special appearance at a local day care center during the morning hours. Debra Smith Ford formal presentation time at the Williamson Library will begin 4:45 and she promises The Little Apple stories and to entertain all with her Acting career highlights. Still a mystery exactly what Deb has planned...she's only let little hints out to me...what I know about her and her stories, this will give you a sneak peak, too:
Author Sally Valentine Steinmiller5:30-6:30 The Ghost of the Charlotte Lighthouse; Theft at George Eastman House; What Stinks? An Adventure in Highland Park
Sally is showing slides and a PowerPoint presentation she shares at schools and for groups of many local landmarks and attraction sites of the Greater Rochester and Wayne County area. Places we all love to travel, children of all ages will enjoy her presentation and travelling along with her. Author website:
Rising Sparrow Press 6:30-7:15
Jane VerDow will present an overview and information on topics related to writing and publishing pathways-Traditional to Self and Independent Publishing;developing author platforms; writing and book promotion pathways; and use of the internet for book writing-publishing-promotion networking. Jane will share her experiences writing-creating a hard cover book (Dear Daisy), decisions she made specific to book design and promotion pathways, and steps along her path establishing an Independent Publishing business. Information update for upcoming 2 FREE 2-hour sessions July 2010
at the Williamson Free Public Library offered to youth by Author Jane Marla VerDow-Rising Sparrow Press as part of the Summer Reading Program at the Library this summer.
Authors Jim and Carol May 7:15-8:00 Underground Cycling
Jim and Carol May return to the Williamson Free Public Library to present their book about Cycling the Civil War era Underground Railroad Path. This book represents how journal writing can transform to become a fantastic book to be shared with others. A great read and an exciting story that combines the May's passion for history and cycling.
Author Linda Moll will drop in early evening to show us her Children's Book; "started out as just a picture-story book for children in my own family". Drop into Library anticipated sometime after 7 PM and possible Author read/present time 8PM-8:15.
Author Eileen Loveman will be doing readings from her books at the children's reading circle and youth room and throughout the day-evening at the Williamson Library:
Rhythm & Rhymes of the Heart is part essay, poetry and prose.
George & Bob Stories, Life Lessons From Little Brothers
reads as "children's stories written for adults" so young to younger will love this one.
Eileen also has an Upcoming 2010 November Release: The Book of Stories From the Lake Author is offerring Preorder and Presale of this Upcoming Release at the Library and during the Festival; a compilation of 200+ columns from the Sun Record and Author, Eileen Loveman's Website.
Additional Authors who will be dropping by as their schedule allows especially after work into evening to share their books and to offer book signings:
Author Linda Moll will drop in early evening/anticipated sometime after 7 PM and possible Author read/present time 8PM-8:15.
Additional Books Available May 12th at the Library for Sale or Presale
Pettiness in Paradise
Other Tales of Appleboom Point
Author: John E. Connors Beloved Teacher, Williamson Senior High School
Love You Mom - "Love Hold Our Tomorrow"
13 years ago