January 31, 2010

Sunday Afternoons Winter Time

So what would I have done with a long Sunday, snow-cold afternoon lasts days of January along the Lake Ontario Shoreline back in the 60's...

Watch an old black-white movie on a Zenith black-white TV

Then, still today spellbound by Talent and Creativity

For more of the same visit my YouTube Channel. So far just a mixture of music I like, political or historical interests, movie or TV clips that spark my writing, comedy that reminds me not to take life so serious, storytellers and artists that spark my creativity. The variety can be viewed by clicking on Playlists. I update it at least weekly thru This Weeks Picks (Playlist) and by the Featured Video on the Home Channel Page.

I'm working on a few films of my own to post. Book trailers and others just for the fun of it. Stay tuned...


January 28, 2010

The Boxer

Referring back on this thread (October 16, 2009), college days and where this road on my path started.

"Service is the rent we pay for a room in Heaven." ~ Muhammad Ali

Time, energy...balancing the Spiritual-Material...

That's where I am on this day...both in mind and heart.

The question today? Still forming somewhere between head and heart.

But my thought-feelings:
Room in Heaven...doing the daily bread thing most days feels like earning rent money from Hell for a room in Heaven...

I'd prefer something in between...like more Heaven on Earth. Then again, I must be dreaming again.

My thoughts travel back in time to a conversation I once had at work while walking with a retired Priest. We talked of why I do what I do per diem and the obstacles he, too faced in his career. I remember he spoke of the Politics embedded. I remember my words back to him. "Isn't it sad how much the Powers of the World get in the way of doing God's Work?"

For today...
I settled for a day off from Hell to make my time-space on Earth today and my next tomorrows more like Heaven.