January 28, 2010

The Boxer

Referring back on this thread (October 16, 2009), college days and where this road on my path started.

"Service is the rent we pay for a room in Heaven." ~ Muhammad Ali

Time, energy...balancing the Spiritual-Material...

That's where I am on this day...both in mind and heart.

The question today? Still forming somewhere between head and heart.

But my thought-feelings:
Room in Heaven...doing the daily bread thing most days feels like earning rent money from Hell for a room in Heaven...

I'd prefer something in between...like more Heaven on Earth. Then again, I must be dreaming again.

My thoughts travel back in time to a conversation I once had at work while walking with a retired Priest. We talked of why I do what I do per diem and the obstacles he, too faced in his career. I remember he spoke of the Politics embedded. I remember my words back to him. "Isn't it sad how much the Powers of the World get in the way of doing God's Work?"

For today...
I settled for a day off from Hell to make my time-space on Earth today and my next tomorrows more like Heaven.