Took the time to get my connection up and running on Facebook last night.
Started by getting my Profile set-up...history (schools and work),connections on Internet (blogs,web site), telling a little about myself (as little or as much as I wanted). Personal questions I answered truthful and with humor.
I posted a few Through the Years Pictures so people could see it was in fact me.
Click on pictures (they enlarge)
posted a video of me and my kids through the years.
Found it most fun reconnecting with people I shared the road with back in Hometown, Williamson (Pultneyville) School Days.
Woke to a wonderful comment this AM: "You haven't aged much over the years."
THANK-YOU!!!!! for those who remembered where and how we connected...sports and music and laughs.
I also was able to connect with current work friends. Several have poke me invitations, but I'm still new to this Facebook before I go poking too many people thought I'd find out what that means first.
Researching further, it appears many of my old and newer friends are into farming on this group connect thing called FarmVille. Poor friends. Most are already obviously in need of help; too many cats showing up, barns needing repair...
Connection invite from friend across Ocean (France). So great to have friend invite from her in my email this AM and then to read her positive news re: her writing breakthrough via Twitter and her blog.
My message back: "Smiling across the Ocean. Tweet. re: your writing breakthrough. Love this post and blog entry. Three words on post I noticed...courage, creativity, and gratitude...all three there. You are onto something, for sure. Best to you"
Just received message back from her through Facebook...gotta love this Internet age,faster than post office.
Made two confessions already this AM:
1. "Over yrs. my kids have blocked my music career. Tend to leave the room every time I play. Message in that? I wonder." (to my Saxophone playing friend)
2. I joined a group: I Cheated at Heads Up 7Up in Elementary School Anonymous
"Hello everyone. I'm Jane, and I'm a cheater at Heads Up 7Up. It all started in Elementary School. My excuses; desk was too hard (hurt my head and elbow), and I was delirious from breathing my own hot air. Thank-you for listening to my story."
But my group membership didn't stop there.
I now belong to:
Graphic Design and Adobe Photoshop; DECLARE 2010 THE YEAR OF PEACE - Make it the largest Group of FB; Six Degrees of Separation; When I Was Little I Used To Think The Moon Was Following My Car; and I Cheated at Heads Up 7Up in Elementary School Anonymous
Tag along on my Facebook page. Just click on Facebook link on this blog.
and to my friends from past days to those newer to my road, thanks for co-creating the good times.
Jane Marla VerDow
Love You Mom - "Love Hold Our Tomorrow"
13 years ago